Before you jump right into using MLM leads...and finding or creating a leads source need to learn, understand, and decide what you're going to do with those leads first. Have a plan....and an approach for generating (self or purchase or both), contacting, engaging, qualifying, follow-up, and closing your leads. Just the act of "getting leads" doesn't solve your business dreams. It's what you do with them and how that makes all the difference.
The truth be told any lead can work for you. If you know what to do with it. You simply need to find a lead that stops where you want to begin.
To help you formulate a strategy for your leads beforehand...and guide you through every step of actually putting it to work...I suggest you devour everthing in "How To Work With Leads".
The point is, do your homework. Look at your prospecting skills and time and find a lead that matches. Learn all you can about the leads source so you can make an educated business decision on who you want as YOUR marketing partner. It's your money so invest it wisely.
Plus...can you duplicate your method. In other words can you teach others to do the exact same thing you did....from start to finish. That's something too many overlook. To truly build a big organization with leads..."they" must be able to do what "you" did with your leads (from sourcing to closing).
All that said....once you're ready for leads find those that best fit where you are and what you're going to do with them. Everyone giving you advice is coming from a bias of some sort. You need to make your own choice...yes taking in advice...but your decision in the end.
BTW, my personal bias is comments degrading lead sources with pay plans. They are not always "more expensive" as some would make you believe...and in fact it's notable that some are even less costly than those "non-pay plan" sources folks seem to tout. Nor does having a "pay plan" necessarily affect lead quality or your potential conversion rates either....more important in the long run anyway.
Traffic Oasis is a perfect example of costs less....with good quality etc. to boot. Traffic Oasis is actually a large lead co-op, which is how the cost of leads is kept so low. Plus you can buy their leads without having to be a Member.
Honestly, I wouldn't even make presence of a "pay plan" a major part of your assessment of lead sources either way. Afterall..... when you buy leads somebody is always getting paid anyway. If cost is a factor...then decide on that factor. Not whether a pay plan is present or not.
Labels: Mlm Resources And Tips