Network marketing is really about numbers. All we have to do is to sift and sort through heaps of people over and over again. [Easier said than done....right?]
"Professionals sort, while amateurs try to convince." Most marketers simply don't have a proven formula for sorting through enough prospects on a monthly basis to create momentum in their organization, and momentum, my friend, is 90% of the game...
You and your downline need safety in numbers: you need an ongoing stream of the best Pre-Qualified Leads possible. Once you have enough people to share your opportunity with, and have a system to engage them, you have mastered the game.
Therein lies 3 key issues....
* a quality lead source (self generated, purchased, or both)
* a method to contact, engage, qualify, follow-up, and close your leads
* an easy transition to duplicate your approach throughout your organization
For the 1st issue.....
I recommend the services of my friend Carl Sorensen to learn how to generate your own leads through EzLeadCapture. Carl will set you up with a system that includes lead capture pages tailored to your specific business and target market.
For a purchased lead source (if you'd rather someone else do all the set-up and generation work for you can focus on the contact thru close aspect) I recommend Traffic Oasis for their pre-qualified, exclusive, fresh (24-48 hr) co-oped leads.
Personally....I recommend you do BOTH. Generate your own leads AND buy quality co-oped leads. The more leads you and your Team have to work with the better.
For the 2nd issue.....
Don't just wing it. You won't get anywhere that way. You need to follow a consistent planned out approach everytime throughout the whole process. For this effort, I recommend you read the manual "How To Recruit Your Way To Millions". You'll have 100+ pages of practical...proven...step-by-step directions...easily duplicatable. The real "what works" airy fairy metaphysical or oogly googly rah rah stuff.
Here's just a small sample of some of the practical "how to's" information shared in the manual: to qualify your prospects. Exact approach and what to say. An easy to follow guide that'll walk you through step by step.
.....doing a week-by-week and even a call-by-call evaluation of yourself. What did you do right, what communication made your prospect react, what could you do better - and actually write those things down and work on them on the next call you make. Perfect for learning, growing, and improving your "style".
For the 3rd issue.....
Simply share your chosen lead generation method(s), and the "How To Recruit" manual with your organization. Make both...especially the manual...part of your training system for new reps. The manual itself can easily be used by you to train your Team and promote duplication of effort. Great road map to follow.
Imagine what would happen if you and your entire Team learned and applied these tips and "how to's" TOGETHER....greater momentum, duplication, and consistency that's what.
Now THAT'S the name of that tune.
"Professionals sort, while amateurs try to convince." Most marketers simply don't have a proven formula for sorting through enough prospects on a monthly basis to create momentum in their organization, and momentum, my friend, is 90% of the game...
You and your downline need safety in numbers: you need an ongoing stream of the best Pre-Qualified Leads possible. Once you have enough people to share your opportunity with, and have a system to engage them, you have mastered the game.
Therein lies 3 key issues....
* a quality lead source (self generated, purchased, or both)
* a method to contact, engage, qualify, follow-up, and close your leads
* an easy transition to duplicate your approach throughout your organization
For the 1st issue.....
I recommend the services of my friend Carl Sorensen to learn how to generate your own leads through EzLeadCapture. Carl will set you up with a system that includes lead capture pages tailored to your specific business and target market.
For a purchased lead source (if you'd rather someone else do all the set-up and generation work for you can focus on the contact thru close aspect) I recommend Traffic Oasis for their pre-qualified, exclusive, fresh (24-48 hr) co-oped leads.
Personally....I recommend you do BOTH. Generate your own leads AND buy quality co-oped leads. The more leads you and your Team have to work with the better.
For the 2nd issue.....
Don't just wing it. You won't get anywhere that way. You need to follow a consistent planned out approach everytime throughout the whole process. For this effort, I recommend you read the manual "How To Recruit Your Way To Millions". You'll have 100+ pages of practical...proven...step-by-step directions...easily duplicatable. The real "what works" airy fairy metaphysical or oogly googly rah rah stuff.
Here's just a small sample of some of the practical "how to's" information shared in the manual: to qualify your prospects. Exact approach and what to say. An easy to follow guide that'll walk you through step by step.
.....doing a week-by-week and even a call-by-call evaluation of yourself. What did you do right, what communication made your prospect react, what could you do better - and actually write those things down and work on them on the next call you make. Perfect for learning, growing, and improving your "style".
For the 3rd issue.....
Simply share your chosen lead generation method(s), and the "How To Recruit" manual with your organization. Make both...especially the manual...part of your training system for new reps. The manual itself can easily be used by you to train your Team and promote duplication of effort. Great road map to follow.
Imagine what would happen if you and your entire Team learned and applied these tips and "how to's" TOGETHER....greater momentum, duplication, and consistency that's what.
Now THAT'S the name of that tune.
Labels: Mlm Resources And Tips