Use No Hook

0 Comments Tuesday, August 5, 2014 | @ 3:17 AM
While we're on the subject of's another tip for ya.

Take notes kiddies. A website does NO good unless you know what it is doing...where....why....and how.

So how do you know what you're website is doing?

"Well I take a few pot shots in lots of places and when I make a sale (or sign up a new rep) I know I hit something."

In the words of Dr. Phil..."how's that working for ya"?

Hold on. I'll answer that for sucks!

If you can't tell what your website is doing you're not least smartly. You're just shooting at flys in the dark.

Hit or miss is NOT the way to run a business.

You need to know how much traffic you're website is getting....where it's coming from....and what they do on your site.

Why is this important?

Because when you know this you can adjust your marketing efforts approriately. You'll know where you should market your website, how, and to order to maximize your results. In other MAKE MORE MONEY.

You can Google the term "hit counter" or something similar and find lots of choices to help you in this dilemma. But I'm going to save you some time and hair pulling and just recommend one for you.

My friend Danny Taylor put me on to a free traffic tracking system called statcounter:

You can use it for free for a bunch of websites....but you must place a separate account code in your site html for each website. There is an easy to follow instruction guide to help you do that. There is even a forum you can ask webmaster type questions and get professional answers. The people there are friendly, knowledgeable, and from all over the globe.

Just making this small adjustment in your marekting approach will pay big dividends for you.

So in the words of Larry The Cable Guy (country comedy roadshow)....

"Get er done!"
